vineri, 3 aprilie 2009

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

ROTTWEILER: Just one. You want to make something of it?
DOBERMAN: Immediately decides to change the brand of lightbulb and find a more efficient form of lighting--perhaps a fluorescent bulb.

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD: One, but just "try" to convince them that the burned-out bulb is useless and should be thrown away.

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER: Two, but the job never gets done--they just keep arguing about who is supposed to do it and how it's supposed to be done!

BULLDOG: Just one. But it takes them three years to do it.

POMERANIANS don't change light bulbs, although sometimes their agent will get a German Shepherd in to do the job for them while they're out.

PUG: Er, two. Or maybe one. No-- on second thought, make that two. Is that OK with you?
GOLDEN RETRIEVER: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned-out light bulb?

AFGHAN: Lightbulb? What lightbulb?

CAT: I don't waste my time with these childish jokes. >^,,^<
SHIBA-INU: Zero! Shiba's aren't afraid of the dark!

SCHIPPERKE: It's your lightbulb--change it yourself. there food involved??POODLE: Sorry, Just had my nails done

BEAGLE: How many cookies do I get?

WEIMARANER: Light bulb? You want ME to change a LIGHTBULB??

LAB: Why change it? The darker it is, the longer I can sleep.B

BASENJI: LIGHTBULB?? We don't change no steenking lightbulbs!!

MALAMUTE: Let him do it, you can pet me while he's busy.

BOXER: If I could stop wiggling my butt long enough to quit falling off the chair.........

AMERICAN BULLDOG: One. JUMP,remove bulb , land. JUMP, replace bulb, land. Two: What lightbulb? So? We can play in the dark.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER: "I'll be glad to change the light bulb for you, but first can't we play catch with the tennis ball, or frisbee - and then I want to lick your face and rest my head in your lap and look up at you with my sad eyes. What, you're changing the light bulb yourself - you didn't have to do that - but I looooove you so much for being my friend and doing that."

DALMATIAN: Just one, but it will really hate the new bulb.

ROTTWEILER: I'll change the light bulb if I can eat the old one.

CORGI: I cant reach the stupid lamp!

SPRINGER: Lightbulb? Lightbulb? That thing I just ate was a lightbulb?

STANDARD POODLE: None. Go get human, sit under it, look up and point it out--then go lie down in disgust that it took so long.

BORDER COLLIE: Just one. And he'll rewire the house while he's at it.

WOLFDOG: Let me see that light bulb, anyway. What's it made of, what's inside of it, what will happen if I drop it. I might change it, but let me think about it. You're not trying to tell me what to do, are you? Hey, I just had a great idea. I think I'll change that light bulb!

GERMAN SHEPHERD: "I'm kinda busy right now! I have to chase the cat, protect the kids, herd the horses, beg for food and take a nap. I'll add the lightbulb to my "To Do" list...."

DACHSHUND: Well, first get me a ladder and a, you took too long. I want TWO treats and I'll do it.........No, not that treat, the other kind. I have to do everything? (of course, followed by "the look".)

IRISH SETTER: It only takes one, but it will put in a really dim bulb.

PIT BULL TERRIER: Jump and take hold of old light bulb. Now, let go of old light bulb..........I said LET GO OF LIGHT BULB. Please???? Let go of the light bulb??????


CHINESE CRESTED: Only one, if there is anything remotely close that they can launch off of to reach it, but it's more fun with six springing gaily into the air...oh, what lightbulb?

SHIH TZU: You expect me - ME - to do WHAT? How about if I just lay here, look gorgeous, and supervise?

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009

luni, 30 martie 2009

Know your Shih-tzu

Shih-tzu rules

  • The Shih Tzu is not allowed in the house.
  • Okay, the Shih Tzu is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.
  • The Shih Tzu is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.
  • The Shih Tzu can get on the old furniture only.
  • Fine, the Shih Tzu is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.
  • Okay, the Shih Tzu is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.
  • The Shih Tzu can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.
  • The Shih Tzu can sleep under the covers by invitation only.
  • The Shih Tzu can sleep under the covers every night.
  • Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the Shih Tzu

duminică, 29 martie 2009


Într-o zi în care eram la plimbare cu Shih-tzu-zaura ,un băiat cu zâmbet tâmp s-a apropiat:
a zis :
-E fetiţăăă... şi eu am,îi putem împerechea... dacă vară...(pe un ton precipitat)
eu am zis:
-A,păi a mea e mică...are 5 luni .... (până la 1 an jumate nu se împerechează sub nici o formă,mai ales cu masculi cu stăpâni .... ca el)

el:-Nu-i nimiiiic....pân` la vară mai creşte... că ş-a meu îi mic...are un 1 an şi 4 luni...
eu:-Oricum nu o împerechez aşa curând şi când va fi timpul,cunosc destui pe care îi am în vedere.Mulţumesc oricum.Dar,totuşi ,ce Pedigree are al tău?

el:-A....păi nuuu....a` meu mâncă Chappi,Pedigriii nu prea.

eu,dându-mi seama cu cine vorbesc,mai exact : -Aha.
el:-Păcat că nu vrei...!Să-ţi arăt o poză cu el .... îi Yorkshire Terrier a` meu.

eu : -Deci tu te gândeai că eu dau la montă Shih-tzu din părinţi campioni, cu Yorkshire Terrier ?

el, uitându-se tâmp: - Campion?!L-ai dus la concurs de alergare şi din alea?Da` să ştii că şi a` meu îi mic,are 2 kg.

Ne-am zis ciao şi am plecat.

Greyhound vs. Shih-tzu

sâmbătă, 28 martie 2009


Legends of the Buddha and Shih Tzu

The magnificent Fu Dogs, (Foo) the Yin and Yang (male and female) guardians of Buddhist Temples have been caste out of bronze, fired in ceramics, carved out of stone, jade, cinnabar, ivory, and teak. The male holds a ball with his left paw, symbolic of dual powers over nature, precious stones, energy, valor, and wisdom. The female holds her puppy with her paw--a symbol of playing, protecting, and disciplining her baby. "Fu" in Manchurian means "happiness." Many legends say Fu Dogs, are the happy Shih Tzu, forever guarding the temple of Buddha.
For many years, Siddhartha traveled throughout India with a joyful little dog at his side. One day, several robbers surrounded the Buddha intending to rob and murder him. Suddenly the affectionate little companion shape-shifted into a roaring lion, so large and ferocious that the frightened men fled in all directions. Instantly the great lion became the fun loving traveling companion. Buddha picked up his small friend, kissed, petted, praised, and blessed him for his loyalty and courage.
It is believed to-this-day that Shih Tzu are blessed by Buddha. A different color spot on the forehead is the place where Buddha bent down and placed a kiss. A flash of white on the forehead is the place where he laid his finger in blessing, as the noble puppies and ancestors of the Buddha's own Little Lion, parade past him, proudly preparing for birth.

New entry - Shih-tzu

Am făcut acest blog,nu pentru a-mi propune să-l fac cel mai popular, ci l-am făcut ca un loc în care să adun toate articolele,pozele,materialele şi impresiile pe care le am sau le-am găsit despre Shih-tzu,pentru a arăta unora o mică,mică bucăţică din ceea ce înseamnă această rasă .
Din dragoste şi din pasiune pentru Shih-tzu.

Despre Shih-tzu:

Asemenea Pekinezului , descinde din Lhassa Apso fiind originar din China (Tibet). Din antichitate pana in zilele noastre chiar, preotii budisti din Tibet arata acestui caine o consideratie deosebita, datorita asemanarii lui cu un leu - animal considerat sfant in traditia tibetana; SHIH-TZU, in limba chineza, inseamna "LEU".
Cainele este adus pentru prima data in Europa in jurul anului 1830 de catre englezi, de aici urmand a se raspandi in intreaga Europa. Datorita calitatilor sale deosebite si a infatisarii gratioase, cainii Shih-Tzu au castigat o popularitate considerabila intr-un timp foarte scurt ajungand sa fie foarte indragiti.

Atat inaltimea masculului cat si a femelei este de 20-27 cm , cu o greutate medie de aproximativ 5 - 7 kg (m, f). Shih-Tzu este un caine care poate fi gasit aproape in orice culoare. Constructia este musculoasa, legata, cu o buna osatura, trupul fiind mai lung decat inalt, pieptul adanc si lat, iar spatele drept. Coada o tine ridicata, vesel sau rulata deasupra spatelui. Parul este lung si des.
Are o infatisare gratioasa si mandra, o constitutie armonioasa, un temperament bland placut si de- votat, fiind rezistent si foarte activ, precum si foarte curajos.
Barba si favoritii sunt deosebit de bogati. Botul este mai plat, patratos si scurt. Ochii proeminenti, urechile sunt strans lipite de cap si sunt acoperite de un par bogat.
Shih-Tzu este o rasa de caini sensibila la caldura si are o speranta de viata de aproximativ 15 ani sau chiar mai mult.
Este un caine de companie deosebit de bland, devotat, rezistent si nu in ultimul rand foarte activ.